Thursday, October 30, 2008


it was my mom's birthday yesterday....
and i think it was sooooooooooooo fuuuuunn!!!
well it's not that we had a wonderful party yesterday.. noooo...
it was fun coz i released my stressful problem by playing Dance Revolution in Fun World!!

nyahahaha... im gonna start from the beginning dah...
well if some students read this post... when we retell some past events... it's called RECOUNT!
yea yeaaaaaa........ whadeverrrrrrr

i started the day feeling happy.. dont know why.. maybe coz i didnt have any class yesterday..
i didnt bring my notebook.. so i just carried a small bag.. basically it's all that i had that day..
usually... wednesday is my MEETING DAY where i have nothing but meeting lots of people..
but that day was different... coz it's FOOD and NUTRITION DAYYY...
i could only imagine my students running around cooking lots of delicious foooddd... yumm..

i had lots of things that day... sent lots of letters to lots of people at school...
then... it's my duty day.. so i had to go around the school asked duty teachers to sign the duty attendance..

then after snack time.. there was a presentation by a lecturer in IPB.. well... just realized that bu Ani was my sister's lecturer when she was there...
and we talked a bit.. Bu Ani said she remembered my sister *d'OH! of course!! who wouldn't???*

after lunch... IT'S COOKING TIMEEEE!!!
hahahaha... it's fun!! i went around the canteen and bugged my studentss... i tasted each and every food they cooked.. yyyyyuuuuuummmmm....... tabemasu mina saaaaannnnn!!!!
and suprisingly... 8I won in almost all categoriesss...
nyahahahahahhaha *jitak2 icha*

8A yaaaaa... one of them won in one category... congrats guuuuuuuyyyyzzzzz

but the REAL FUN happened after schoooll
me.. icha... nobhie.. ova... we decided to play DDR at Fun WORLD!!

acted like crazy teenagerss... was seen by lots of people in Botani... nyahahaha

unfortunately i had to go home coz we were going to have a party at home..
so i went home... after 6 songs played in DDR

i MUST play Para-Para and Drums.. and what is it called?? the kicrik2 one ituuuuu... nyahahahahahahaha...
we are going to play them next weekkk

oh yeeaaa... have i told you?
nila is going to German for a year in November 26
but she will not be at school again starting from Nov 7
nila chaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnn..... suki daaaaaaaaaaaaaa

so we're going to have a farewell party in Bandung...
we're gonna spend our weekend next weekk..
we mean... Angie, Nobhie, ova, Nila, Icha, Titin..
gonna miss u a lot babe...

jya mina saaannn..... Ganbarimashou!!!
(btw... masa waktu anak gue si alnis baca tulisan itu dia pikir itu bahasa SULAWESI??!! nayahahahahahahahahaha)


AnGi3 ChAtZ wItH:


+ Angela

+ aWaN

+ aWaNdIgA

+ BuDi

+ LiNdA

+ NaDiA

+ PrImaDoNnA aNgElA

+ Pu3



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'Dis iS wHaT u OugHta kNow 'BoUt mE..

Anggraita Nurul Izzaty

bUt, jUsT CaLL mE:


hey.. wud u send me a present on ma birthday?? n_n

June, 6

pErcAyA gAk kAlo aKu tU gUrU yAnG di-GUGU dan di-TIRU?? ^^;;; hehe.. i'M aN eNgLiSh tEaChEr dI sUaTu sEkoLaH dI BoGoR

My Dearest Husband and I.. :)

I love Reading Books!! and also deadly in love with JAZZ, I Love RnB, HipHop,J-POP, J-Rock and Nasyid (esp. Ruhul Jadid).. I love meeting friends @ONLINE Community!!

ANIME, MANGA, J-DORAMA, K-Drama (honestly not all K-Drama, i like only some o' them) and last but not least

DO YOGA!! when u're feelin' blue or mad it will help you.. TRUST ME!! ^O^

maybe it's just an ordinary blog for you.. but for me.. it's extraordinary!

'coz it's 'bout

My Life.. My Love.. My Hope..


MaW kOmEn aH..


My LinKz...

+ BeRjiLbAb + CaRi LiRiK

+ DonEeH + CaRi Tm3nZZ

 + FiNd Ma6iC + YaHoO

+ Mo cArI aPa?? + AniMe!!

+ PiLiH MoOd YuQ! + BlOg6eR

+ FoTo bY HELLO! + PhOtObUcKeT

+ PK-sEjAhTeRa


Ma' OwN LaYoUt! TaPi DiBaNtu JaVaScRiPt dArI Pu3 (THX!!), MiNuM TeH PoCi dAn rAhMaT Allah SWT..

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