Monday, July 30, 2007


duh hi kawaaannn..
bener2 deh baru sempet lagi kesini..

kerjaan numpuuuuukkkk!
sudahkah aku mengatakan bahwa aku sekarang jadi base teacher?
jadi kelas 7A.. stands for 7Angie

well.. jadi base teacher di skul tu lumayan capek..
karna harus ngurus locker anak2 dsb..
ngurus hal2 kecil yang dialami anak2..
pokoknya lumayan ribet juga

skarang lagi online di library..
mau kerja lagi niyggg,,, udah ahhhh


AnGi3 ChAtZ wItH:


+ Angela

+ aWaN

+ aWaNdIgA

+ BuDi

+ LiNdA

+ NaDiA

+ PrImaDoNnA aNgElA

+ Pu3



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CoNtAcT mE!!

FaCeBoOk : Angie Izzaty

MY YAHOO id! fleurs_de_lacours

MY Twitter  angelophobic



iT'z Me!!!

'Dis iS wHaT u OugHta kNow 'BoUt mE..

Anggraita Nurul Izzaty

bUt, jUsT CaLL mE:


hey.. wud u send me a present on ma birthday?? n_n

June, 6

pErcAyA gAk kAlo aKu tU gUrU yAnG di-GUGU dan di-TIRU?? ^^;;; hehe.. i'M aN eNgLiSh tEaChEr dI sUaTu sEkoLaH dI BoGoR

My Dearest Husband and I.. :)

I love Reading Books!! and also deadly in love with JAZZ, I Love RnB, HipHop,J-POP, J-Rock and Nasyid (esp. Ruhul Jadid).. I love meeting friends @ONLINE Community!!

ANIME, MANGA, J-DORAMA, K-Drama (honestly not all K-Drama, i like only some o' them) and last but not least

DO YOGA!! when u're feelin' blue or mad it will help you.. TRUST ME!! ^O^

maybe it's just an ordinary blog for you.. but for me.. it's extraordinary!

'coz it's 'bout

My Life.. My Love.. My Hope..


MaW kOmEn aH..


My LinKz...

+ BeRjiLbAb + CaRi LiRiK

+ DonEeH + CaRi Tm3nZZ

 + FiNd Ma6iC + YaHoO

+ Mo cArI aPa?? + AniMe!!

+ PiLiH MoOd YuQ! + BlOg6eR

+ FoTo bY HELLO! + PhOtObUcKeT

+ PK-sEjAhTeRa


Ma' OwN LaYoUt! TaPi DiBaNtu JaVaScRiPt dArI Pu3 (THX!!), MiNuM TeH PoCi dAn rAhMaT Allah SWT..

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