Thursday, November 30, 2006


Your Heart Is Green

Love completes you, but that doesn't mean you seek it out.
When love comes your way, you integrate it peacefully into the rest of you life.

Your flirting style: Laid back

Your lucky first date: Walking around aimlessly and talking

Your dream lover: Is both enthusiastic and calm

What you bring to relationships: Balance

Your Birthdate: June 6

You tend to be a the rock in relationships - people depend on you.
Thoughtful and caring, you often put others needs first.
You aren't content to help those you know... you want to give to the world.
An idealist, you strive for positive change and dream about how much better things could be.

Your strength: Your intuition

Your weakness: You put yourself last

Your power color: Rose

Your power symbol: Cloud

Your power month: June

How You Life Your Life

You tend to deprive yourself of things you crave, for your own good.
You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think.
You tend to have one best friend you hang with, as opposed to many aquaintences.
You have one big dream in your life, and you never lose sight of it.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Do you sleep alone? 

Asa goto ni
koe o osamuru
kaze no otowa
yo o hete karuru
hito no kokoro ka

tsuma fuku kaze no
samuki yo ni
waga se no kimi wa
hitori ka nuramu


By morning..
leaves have fallen into silence,
the wind has finally parted, like lovers after a night,
all talked out, now broken hearted..

Now the nights grow cold..
and cold winds return to howl
with you gone, my whole life is torn
by wind I wonder..
do you sleep alone?

Taken from the book Putri Hujan dan Ksatria Malam, written by Sitta Karina..

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Kok aku suudzon ama sinetron yaa?? 

iya lowh.. beneraan.. kena sindrom curiga ama sinetron indo..
tiap liat iklan suatu sinetron di beberapa stasiun tv swasta,,
*terutama rcti en sctv*
aku selalu aja langsung teriak..
c bunda ampe suka ngomong
mbak kok suudzon amad siy,, emang ada yang jiplak siyh, tapi ga semuanya..

walo uda dibilangin gitu aku tetep aja curiga..
yah karna ada beberapa sinetron yang ngejiplak aku jadi curiga ama hampir smuwa sinetron..
*hmm.. itu majas pars pro toto ato totem pro parte ya?* n_n

kenapa siyh kudu ngejiplak??
mending kalo secara jantan (or betina; tergantung jenis kelamin produsernya) diakui bahwa itu adaptasi dari suatu film..
aku masi lebi nerima lah..
buktinya aku lumayan suka nonton sitcom De Neny..
tapi banyak juga yang ga nulis bahwa itu hasil adaptasi..
contoh jaman dulu sinetron Ciuman Pertama yang ngejiplak ABIS dorama Itazura Na Kiss..
or Pengantin Remaja yang 80% ngejiplak Little Bride
or Sumpah Gue Sayang Elo (?) yang lumayan ngejiplak Full House
dan beberapa sinetron lainnya yang malas aku tulis disini..
hikss.. hikss..

aku tuh sedih banged.. kapan ya sinetron indo bisa dewasa?
walopun banyak contoh sinetron yang bagus, kayak keluarga senyum misalnya
tapi sinetron bagus kayak gitu cuma kayak fatamorgana di tengah padang pasir Hadarac yang panasnya ratusan derajat celcius..
*halah bahasanya* ^^;;;
kita kan punya nilai sendiri yang berkembang di indo..
punya kebudayaan sendiri yang berkembang di indo..
kenapa ga disebarkan siyh?

aku kangen sinetron yang bikin senyum..
yang isinya bukan cuma pacaran, perebutan harta atau kekerasan berlebihan..
kenapa ga bikin sinetron yang isinya idup pada umumnya?
yang kadang ada masalah, ngga harus selalu masalah dengan orang lain..
bisa juga masalah dari dalem diri masing2 orang..
kurang percaya diri misalnya or orang yang harus ngadepin ketakutannya sendiri..
gimana caranya sinetron bisa kasih ide en solusi buat individu or masyarakat yang punya masalah tertentu..
berantem antar kampung misalnya.. gimana cara penyelesaiannya..

aku emang bukan orang yang jago..
aku ga ngerti banyak soal sinema..
im just an ordinary person with ordinary dreams..
yang salah satunya adalah mendambakan sinetron yang MEMUASKAN hati..
dan MENCERDASKAN negeri.. *hooo.. beraattt*

Peace Yo! n_n


AnGi3 ChAtZ wItH:


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+ aWaN

+ aWaNdIgA

+ BuDi

+ LiNdA

+ NaDiA

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June, 6

pErcAyA gAk kAlo aKu tU gUrU yAnG di-GUGU dan di-TIRU?? ^^;;; hehe.. i'M aN eNgLiSh tEaChEr dI sUaTu sEkoLaH dI BoGoR

My Dearest Husband and I.. :)

I love Reading Books!! and also deadly in love with JAZZ, I Love RnB, HipHop,J-POP, J-Rock and Nasyid (esp. Ruhul Jadid).. I love meeting friends @ONLINE Community!!

ANIME, MANGA, J-DORAMA, K-Drama (honestly not all K-Drama, i like only some o' them) and last but not least

DO YOGA!! when u're feelin' blue or mad it will help you.. TRUST ME!! ^O^

maybe it's just an ordinary blog for you.. but for me.. it's extraordinary!

'coz it's 'bout

My Life.. My Love.. My Hope..


MaW kOmEn aH..


My LinKz...

+ BeRjiLbAb + CaRi LiRiK

+ DonEeH + CaRi Tm3nZZ

 + FiNd Ma6iC + YaHoO

+ Mo cArI aPa?? + AniMe!!

+ PiLiH MoOd YuQ! + BlOg6eR

+ FoTo bY HELLO! + PhOtObUcKeT

+ PK-sEjAhTeRa


Ma' OwN LaYoUt! TaPi DiBaNtu JaVaScRiPt dArI Pu3 (THX!!), MiNuM TeH PoCi dAn rAhMaT Allah SWT..

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