Saturday, November 12, 2005


hi all.. long time no see huh??
Well im back!!

I was just finished watching SILET SPECIAL on RCTI
It’s about Agnes Monica and her new album, duet with keith martin
And also her success mandarin drama debut in Taiwan.. with jerry yan..
And also her sophisticated dreams..
She said she doesn’t want anyone to envy her..
She just wants to do her thing and to fulfil her ambition as a successful workin girl..

And so I thought..
Whan an ambition really is??
How high? How far should we have this ambition in our life?
In agnes’s opinion, ambition mean to conquer the world with her talent and do her thing
And that’s good.. I mean we all have difference opinion in almost every problem..
But then when its already happen, I mean conquering the world.. then what???
What else? Conquer universe? Altogether with the star, the moon and the sun??
When do we have to draw the line on this thing?

Well I still try to find out the answer for this many questions..
But I already find the answer of those questions related to my life..
For me ambition means to have lovely friends, family and also reaching the afterlife..
You know? I think deeper and deeper about other answers that could pop up in my mind
But I just couldn’t find another answer!!!
Weird huh?
Although it sounds easy but believe me.. I need to face lots of thing to reach it!!!
Coz maybe to fulfill the afterlife thing I need to face the clash between me and my family.. and that means I will fail to fulfill the lovely family ambition..
Its dilemma.. for me at least..

A bit complicated??
Just wanna say.. Happy Idul Fitri to ya All!!
Muslim and non muslims.. forgive all ma fault in the past days..
Please.. take my apologize.. n_n


AnGi3 ChAtZ wItH:


+ Angela

+ aWaN

+ aWaNdIgA

+ BuDi

+ LiNdA

+ NaDiA

+ PrImaDoNnA aNgElA

+ Pu3



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iT'z Me!!!

'Dis iS wHaT u OugHta kNow 'BoUt mE..

Anggraita Nurul Izzaty

bUt, jUsT CaLL mE:


hey.. wud u send me a present on ma birthday?? n_n

June, 6

pErcAyA gAk kAlo aKu tU gUrU yAnG di-GUGU dan di-TIRU?? ^^;;; hehe.. i'M aN eNgLiSh tEaChEr dI sUaTu sEkoLaH dI BoGoR

My Dearest Husband and I.. :)

I love Reading Books!! and also deadly in love with JAZZ, I Love RnB, HipHop,J-POP, J-Rock and Nasyid (esp. Ruhul Jadid).. I love meeting friends @ONLINE Community!!

ANIME, MANGA, J-DORAMA, K-Drama (honestly not all K-Drama, i like only some o' them) and last but not least

DO YOGA!! when u're feelin' blue or mad it will help you.. TRUST ME!! ^O^

maybe it's just an ordinary blog for you.. but for me.. it's extraordinary!

'coz it's 'bout

My Life.. My Love.. My Hope..


MaW kOmEn aH..


My LinKz...

+ BeRjiLbAb + CaRi LiRiK

+ DonEeH + CaRi Tm3nZZ

 + FiNd Ma6iC + YaHoO

+ Mo cArI aPa?? + AniMe!!

+ PiLiH MoOd YuQ! + BlOg6eR

+ FoTo bY HELLO! + PhOtObUcKeT

+ PK-sEjAhTeRa


Ma' OwN LaYoUt! TaPi DiBaNtu JaVaScRiPt dArI Pu3 (THX!!), MiNuM TeH PoCi dAn rAhMaT Allah SWT..

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