Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Nias oh Nias.. 

duh Ya Allah..
Indonesia-ku ini koq ya seriii..nng banget dapet cobaan..
kenapa ya?? tapi yang penting khan apa yang kita lakukan setelah menerima cobaan itu..
karena yang ktia lakukan itu menunjukan seberapa besar rasa iman kita kepada Allah.. ya ga sih??
well.. turut berdukacita untuk saudara-saudaraku disana..

duh.. pu3 gue turut dukacita ya ama sodara2 lo yang ada di nias..
tabah okies?

dah laam ga ikut kuis euy... ini salah satu diantaranya yang menandakan kalo gue itu just an ordinary girl.. cocok banget!!

You're an every day average girl. You aren't
amongst the popular crowd, but you are
definatly far from being a geek. You are
probably pretty, but not gorgeous. You have a
fair amount of friends, but each one of them
means the world to you. Keep them close and
don't change yourself.

Rate a 5 to see a picture of a hott guy... Send me
a message!

What type of girl are you? (many outcomes and awesome pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

atau yang ini???? well.. rada mirip kecuali bagian yang gue ga pernah ada niat yang jahat.. hehehe.. ga mungkin lah gue baek terus.. pasti ada jahatnya.. ya ga?

romantic girl
Ok you are a romantic anime girl and you love and
care for a lot of people.There is no evil in
you soul or your heart.Though sometimes people
don't feelt he same way as you do you keep on
trying to change their mind.You love to help
people out and you are always happy.Keep on
trying to make the whole world smile because
you know smiles are contagious ^_^.Oh and if it
seems like there is nobody who could love you
as much as you could love them it doesn't
matter the thing is that the only thing that
matters is that he cares and loves you and it
doesn't matter how much well maybe it does but
don't set you standards to high cuz then you'll
find nobody

If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only)
brought to you by Quizilla

What Kind of A Wife am I? (hehe.. ganti seenaknya aja ya gue?)

You're Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


AnGi3 ChAtZ wItH:


+ Angela

+ aWaN

+ aWaNdIgA

+ BuDi

+ LiNdA

+ NaDiA

+ PrImaDoNnA aNgElA

+ Pu3



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CoNtAcT mE!!

FaCeBoOk : Angie Izzaty

MY YAHOO id! fleurs_de_lacours

MY Twitter  angelophobic



iT'z Me!!!

'Dis iS wHaT u OugHta kNow 'BoUt mE..

Anggraita Nurul Izzaty

bUt, jUsT CaLL mE:


hey.. wud u send me a present on ma birthday?? n_n

June, 6

pErcAyA gAk kAlo aKu tU gUrU yAnG di-GUGU dan di-TIRU?? ^^;;; hehe.. i'M aN eNgLiSh tEaChEr dI sUaTu sEkoLaH dI BoGoR

My Dearest Husband and I.. :)

I love Reading Books!! and also deadly in love with JAZZ, I Love RnB, HipHop,J-POP, J-Rock and Nasyid (esp. Ruhul Jadid).. I love meeting friends @ONLINE Community!!

ANIME, MANGA, J-DORAMA, K-Drama (honestly not all K-Drama, i like only some o' them) and last but not least

DO YOGA!! when u're feelin' blue or mad it will help you.. TRUST ME!! ^O^

maybe it's just an ordinary blog for you.. but for me.. it's extraordinary!

'coz it's 'bout

My Life.. My Love.. My Hope..


MaW kOmEn aH..


My LinKz...

+ BeRjiLbAb + CaRi LiRiK

+ DonEeH + CaRi Tm3nZZ

 + FiNd Ma6iC + YaHoO

+ Mo cArI aPa?? + AniMe!!

+ PiLiH MoOd YuQ! + BlOg6eR

+ FoTo bY HELLO! + PhOtObUcKeT

+ PK-sEjAhTeRa


Ma' OwN LaYoUt! TaPi DiBaNtu JaVaScRiPt dArI Pu3 (THX!!), MiNuM TeH PoCi dAn rAhMaT Allah SWT..

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